import { startWorker } from './snippets/browser-async-executor-b51ed65827bac93b/src/worker.js';
import { websocket_transport } from './snippets/libp2p-wasm-ext-7e5f5edb880ee0f5/src/websockets.js';
let wasm;
const cachedTextDecoder = (typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined' ? new TextDecoder('utf-8', { ignoreBOM: true, fatal: true }) : { decode: () => { throw Error('TextDecoder not available') } } );
if (typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined') { cachedTextDecoder.decode(); };
let cachedUint8Memory0 = null;
function getUint8Memory0() {
if (cachedUint8Memory0 === null || cachedUint8Memory0.buffer !== wasm.memory.buffer) {
cachedUint8Memory0 = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer);
return cachedUint8Memory0;
function getStringFromWasm0(ptr, len) {
ptr = ptr >>> 0;
return cachedTextDecoder.decode(getUint8Memory0().slice(ptr, ptr + len));
const heap = new Array(128).fill(undefined);
heap.push(undefined, null, true, false);
let heap_next = heap.length;
function addHeapObject(obj) {
if (heap_next === heap.length) heap.push(heap.length + 1);
const idx = heap_next;
heap_next = heap[idx];
heap[idx] = obj;
return idx;
function getObject(idx) { return heap[idx]; }
function dropObject(idx) {
if (idx < 132) return;
heap[idx] = heap_next;
heap_next = idx;
function takeObject(idx) {
const ret = getObject(idx);
return ret;
const cachedTextEncoder = (typeof TextEncoder !== 'undefined' ? new TextEncoder('utf-8') : { encode: () => { throw Error('TextEncoder not available') } } );
const encodeString = function (arg, view) {
const buf = cachedTextEncoder.encode(arg);
return {
read: arg.length,
written: buf.length
function passStringToWasm0(arg, malloc, realloc) {
if (realloc === undefined) {
const buf = cachedTextEncoder.encode(arg);
const ptr = malloc(buf.length, 1) >>> 0;
getUint8Memory0().subarray(ptr, ptr + buf.length).set(buf);
WASM_VECTOR_LEN = buf.length;
return ptr;
let len = arg.length;
let ptr = malloc(len, 1) >>> 0;
const mem = getUint8Memory0();
let offset = 0;
for (; offset < len; offset++) {
const code = arg.charCodeAt(offset);
if (code > 0x7F) break;
mem[ptr + offset] = code;
if (offset !== len) {
if (offset !== 0) {
arg = arg.slice(offset);
ptr = realloc(ptr, len, len = offset + arg.length * 3, 1) >>> 0;
const view = getUint8Memory0().subarray(ptr + offset, ptr + len);
const ret = encodeString(arg, view);
offset += ret.written;
ptr = realloc(ptr, len, offset, 1) >>> 0;
return ptr;
function isLikeNone(x) {
return x === undefined || x === null;
let cachedInt32Memory0 = null;
function getInt32Memory0() {
if (cachedInt32Memory0 === null || cachedInt32Memory0.buffer !== wasm.memory.buffer) {
cachedInt32Memory0 = new Int32Array(wasm.memory.buffer);
return cachedInt32Memory0;
let cachedFloat64Memory0 = null;
function getFloat64Memory0() {
if (cachedFloat64Memory0 === null || cachedFloat64Memory0.buffer !== wasm.memory.buffer) {
cachedFloat64Memory0 = new Float64Array(wasm.memory.buffer);
return cachedFloat64Memory0;
function debugString(val) {
// primitive types
const type = typeof val;
if (type == 'number' || type == 'boolean' || val == null) {
return `${val}`;
if (type == 'string') {
return `"${val}"`;
if (type == 'symbol') {
const description = val.description;
if (description == null) {
return 'Symbol';
} else {
return `Symbol(${description})`;
if (type == 'function') {
const name =;
if (typeof name == 'string' && name.length > 0) {
return `Function(${name})`;
} else {
return 'Function';
// objects
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
const length = val.length;
let debug = '[';
if (length > 0) {
debug += debugString(val[0]);
for(let i = 1; i < length; i++) {
debug += ', ' + debugString(val[i]);
debug += ']';
return debug;
// Test for built-in
const builtInMatches = /\[object ([^\]]+)\]/.exec(;
let className;
if (builtInMatches.length > 1) {
className = builtInMatches[1];
} else {
// Failed to match the standard '[object ClassName]'
if (className == 'Object') {
// we're a user defined class or Object
// JSON.stringify avoids problems with cycles, and is generally much
// easier than looping through ownProperties of `val`.
try {
return 'Object(' + JSON.stringify(val) + ')';
} catch (_) {
return 'Object';
// errors
if (val instanceof Error) {
return `${}: ${val.message}\n${val.stack}`;
// TODO we could test for more things here, like `Set`s and `Map`s.
return className;
const CLOSURE_DTORS = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(state => {
wasm.__wbindgen_export_3.get(state.dtor)(state.a, state.b)
function makeMutClosure(arg0, arg1, dtor, f) {
const state = { a: arg0, b: arg1, cnt: 1, dtor };
const real = (...args) => {
// First up with a closure we increment the internal reference
// count. This ensures that the Rust closure environment won't
// be deallocated while we're invoking it.
const a = state.a;
state.a = 0;
try {
return f(a, state.b, ...args);
} finally {
if (--state.cnt === 0) {
wasm.__wbindgen_export_3.get(state.dtor)(a, state.b);
} else {
state.a = a;
real.original = state;
CLOSURE_DTORS.register(real, state, state);
return real;
function __wbg_adapter_44(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
wasm._dyn_core__ops__function__FnMut__A____Output___R_as_wasm_bindgen__closure__WasmClosure___describe__invoke__h4c82b038b73e60de(arg0, arg1, addHeapObject(arg2));
function __wbg_adapter_47(arg0, arg1) {
wasm._dyn_core__ops__function__FnMut_____Output___R_as_wasm_bindgen__closure__WasmClosure___describe__invoke__h034fb578283a2114(arg0, arg1);
* Entry point invoked by the web worker. The passed pointer will be unconditionally interpreted
* as an `Box::<(WorkerExecutor, Worker)>`.
* @private
* @param {number} shared_state_ptr
export function worker_entry_point(shared_state_ptr) {
function handleError(f, args) {
try {
return f.apply(this, args);
} catch (e) {
function __wbg_adapter_150(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) {
wasm.wasm_bindgen__convert__closures__invoke2_mut__h19601a3a3f2b6b07(arg0, arg1, addHeapObject(arg2), addHeapObject(arg3));
function getArrayU8FromWasm0(ptr, len) {
ptr = ptr >>> 0;
return getUint8Memory0().subarray(ptr / 1, ptr / 1 + len);
let cachedUint32Memory0 = null;
function getUint32Memory0() {
if (cachedUint32Memory0 === null || cachedUint32Memory0.buffer !== wasm.memory.buffer) {
cachedUint32Memory0 = new Uint32Array(wasm.memory.buffer);
return cachedUint32Memory0;
function passArrayJsValueToWasm0(array, malloc) {
const ptr = malloc(array.length * 4, 4) >>> 0;
const mem = getUint32Memory0();
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
mem[ptr / 4 + i] = addHeapObject(array[i]);
WASM_VECTOR_LEN = array.length;
return ptr;
function _assertClass(instance, klass) {
if (!(instance instanceof klass)) {
throw new Error(`expected instance of ${}`);
return instance.ptr;
function passArray8ToWasm0(arg, malloc) {
const ptr = malloc(arg.length * 1, 1) >>> 0;
getUint8Memory0().set(arg, ptr / 1);
WASM_VECTOR_LEN = arg.length;
return ptr;
const ClusterDescriptorFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_clusterdescriptor_free(ptr >>> 0));
* Cluster descriptor
* The cluster descriptor contains relevant cluster configuration information.
* This is the structure returned by the `cluster_information` operation in the client.
* @hideconstructor
export class ClusterDescriptor {
static __wrap(ptr) {
ptr = ptr >>> 0;
const obj = Object.create(ClusterDescriptor.prototype);
obj.__wbg_ptr = ptr;
ClusterDescriptorFinalization.register(obj, obj.__wbg_ptr, obj);
return obj;
toJSON() {
return {
parties: this.parties,
kappa: this.kappa,
toString() {
return JSON.stringify(this);
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* Cluster identifier
* Returns the cluster identifier as a string.
* @return {string} The cluster identifier
* @example
* const descriptor = await nillionClient.cluster_information();
* const id =;
* @returns {string}
get id() {
let deferred1_0;
let deferred1_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.clusterdescriptor_id(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
deferred1_0 = r0;
deferred1_1 = r1;
return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred1_0, deferred1_1, 1);
* Cluster parties
* Returns the parties in the cluster.
* @return {Object} The parties in the cluster
* @example
* const descriptor = await nillionClient.cluster_information();
* const parties = descriptor.parties;
* @returns {any}
get parties() {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.clusterdescriptor_parties(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
return takeObject(r0);
} finally {
* The prime number to be used in this cluster.
* @return {string} The prime number as a string
* @example
* const descriptor = await nillionClient.cluster_information();
* const prime =;
* @returns {string}
get prime() {
let deferred1_0;
let deferred1_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.clusterdescriptor_prime(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
deferred1_0 = r0;
deferred1_1 = r1;
return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred1_0, deferred1_1, 1);
* The security parameter kappa for this cluster.
* @return {number} The security parameter kappa
* @example
* const descriptor = await nillionClient.cluster_information();
* const kappa = descriptor.kappa;
* @returns {number}
get kappa() {
const ret = wasm.clusterdescriptor_kappa(this.__wbg_ptr);
return ret >>> 0;
const LoaderHelperFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_loaderhelper_free(ptr >>> 0));
* @private
export class LoaderHelper {
static __wrap(ptr) {
ptr = ptr >>> 0;
const obj = Object.create(LoaderHelper.prototype);
obj.__wbg_ptr = ptr;
LoaderHelperFinalization.register(obj, obj.__wbg_ptr, obj);
return obj;
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* @returns {string}
mainJS() {
const ret = wasm.loaderhelper_mainJS(this.__wbg_ptr);
return takeObject(ret);
const NadaValueFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_nadavalue_free(ptr >>> 0));
* NadaValue
* This type represents a value in the Nillion network. This class provides utilities
* to encode numerical and binary values. It also provides methods to decode
* the value into a numerical form.
* @hideconstructor
export class NadaValue {
static __wrap(ptr) {
ptr = ptr >>> 0;
const obj = Object.create(NadaValue.prototype);
obj.__wbg_ptr = ptr;
NadaValueFinalization.register(obj, obj.__wbg_ptr, obj);
return obj;
toJSON() {
return {
toString() {
return JSON.stringify(this);
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* Create a new secret integer value.
* @param {string} value - The value must be a valid string representation of an integer.
* @return {NadaValue} The encoded secret corresponding to the value provided
* @example
* const value = NadaValue.new_secret_integer("-23");
static new_secret_integer(value) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(value, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.nadavalue_new_secret_integer(retptr, ptr0, len0);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
return NadaValue.__wrap(r0);
} finally {
* Create a new secret unsigned integer value.
* @param {string} value - The value must be a valid string representation of an unsigned integer.
* @return {NadaValue} The encoded secret corresponding to the value provided
* @example
* const value = NadaValue.new_secret_unsigned_integer("23");
static new_secret_unsigned_integer(value) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(value, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.nadavalue_new_secret_unsigned_integer(retptr, ptr0, len0);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
return NadaValue.__wrap(r0);
} finally {
* Create a new secret blob.
* @param {Uint8Array} value - The blob in binary (byte array) encoded format
* @return {NadaValue} The encoded secret corresponding to the value provided
* @example
* const value = NadaValue.new_secret_blob([1,0,1,222,21]);
static new_secret_blob(value) {
const ptr0 = passArray8ToWasm0(value, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ret = wasm.nadavalue_new_secret_blob(ptr0, len0);
return NadaValue.__wrap(ret);
* Create a new public integer with the provided value.
* @param {string} value - The value must be a valid string representation of an integer.
* @return {NadaValue} The encoded public variable corresponding to the value provided
* @example
* const value = NadaValue.new_public_integer("-23");
static new_public_integer(value) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(value, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.nadavalue_new_public_integer(retptr, ptr0, len0);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
return NadaValue.__wrap(r0);
} finally {
* Create a new public unsigned integer with the provided value.
* @param {string} value - The value must be a valid string representation of an unsigned integer.
* @return {NadaValue} The encoded public variable corresponding to the value provided
* @example
* const value = NadaValue.new_public_unsigned_integer("23");
static new_public_unsigned_integer(value) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(value, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.nadavalue_new_public_unsigned_integer(retptr, ptr0, len0);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
return NadaValue.__wrap(r0);
} finally {
* Convert this value into a byte array.
* This is only valid for secret blob values.
* @return {Uint8Array} the byte array contained in this value.
* @throws {Error} if the value is not a secret blob.
* @example
* const value = NadaValue.new_secret_blob([1,0,1,222,21]);
* const byteArray = value.to_byte_array();
to_byte_array() {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.nadavalue_to_byte_array(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
var r3 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 3];
if (r3) {
throw takeObject(r2);
var v1 = getArrayU8FromWasm0(r0, r1).slice();
wasm.__wbindgen_free(r0, r1 * 1, 1);
return v1;
} finally {
* Convert this value into a string representation of the underlying numeric value.
* This only works for numeric secret values, such as integers and unsigned integers.
* @return {string} a string representation of the underlying numeric value
* @example
* const value = NadaValue.new_public_integer("23");
* const integer_value = value.to_integer();
to_integer() {
let deferred2_0;
let deferred2_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.nadavalue_to_integer(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
var r3 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 3];
var ptr1 = r0;
var len1 = r1;
if (r3) {
ptr1 = 0; len1 = 0;
throw takeObject(r2);
deferred2_0 = ptr1;
deferred2_1 = len1;
return getStringFromWasm0(ptr1, len1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred2_0, deferred2_1, 1);
const NadaValuesFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_nadavalues_free(ptr >>> 0));
* A collection of named values.
export class NadaValues {
toJSON() {
return {
length: this.length,
toString() {
return JSON.stringify(this);
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* Creates a new empty instance of NadaValues.
* @example
* const values = new NadaValues();
constructor() {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
this.__wbg_ptr = r0 >>> 0;
return this;
} finally {
* Add an encoded value to the NadaValues collection.
* @param {string} name - The name of the value
* @param {NadaValue} input - The value to be added
* @example
* values.insert("my_value", NadaValue.new_public_integer("23"));
insert(name, input) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(name, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
_assertClass(input, NadaValue);
wasm.nadavalues_insert(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, input.__wbg_ptr);
* Get the number of values.
* @example
* const length = values.length;
* @returns {number}
get length() {
const ret = wasm.nadavalues_length(this.__wbg_ptr);
return ret >>> 0;
const NillionClientFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_nillionclient_free(ptr >>> 0));
* The Nillion Client
* This is the main interface with the Nillion network.
* The Nillion Client provides APIs that you can use for:
* - secure computing in Nillion,
* - storing programs,
* - managing secrets, and
* - managing permissions
export class NillionClient {
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* Creates an instance of Nillion Client
* @param {UserKey} user_key - The user private key
* @param {NodeKey} node_key - The node private key
* @param {Array<string>} bootnodes - The Nillion cluster bootnode websocket multiaddresses. A websocket multiaddress has `/ws` or `/wss` (secure sockets) in the address. Example: "/ip4/"
* @example
* const user_key = UserKey.generate();
* const node_key = NodeKey.from_seed('your-seed-here');
* const client = new NillionClient(
* user_key,
* node_key,
* bootnodes,
* );
constructor(user_key, node_key, bootnodes) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
_assertClass(user_key, UserKey);
var ptr0 = user_key.__destroy_into_raw();
_assertClass(node_key, NodeKey);
var ptr1 = node_key.__destroy_into_raw();
const ptr2 = passArrayJsValueToWasm0(bootnodes, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc);
const len2 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.nillionclient_new(retptr, ptr0, ptr1, ptr2, len2);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
this.__wbg_ptr = r0 >>> 0;
return this;
} finally {
* Enable remote logging
* Writes client logs to a websocket that can be accessed in URL: ws://
* You can use tools like [websocat]( to access and read these logs.
* @example
* nillionClient.enable_remote_logging();
static enable_remote_logging() {
* Get the party identifier for the current client.
* @return {string} The party identifier for the current client
* @example
* const partyId = nillionClient.party_id;
get party_id() {
let deferred2_0;
let deferred2_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.nillionclient_party_id(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
var r3 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 3];
var ptr1 = r0;
var len1 = r1;
if (r3) {
ptr1 = 0; len1 = 0;
throw takeObject(r2);
deferred2_0 = ptr1;
deferred2_1 = len1;
return getStringFromWasm0(ptr1, len1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred2_0, deferred2_1, 1);
* Get the user identifier for the current user.
* @return {string} - The Nillion user identifier for the current user
* @example
* const userId = nillionClient.user_id;
get user_id() {
let deferred1_0;
let deferred1_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.nillionclient_user_id(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
deferred1_0 = r0;
deferred1_1 = r1;
return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred1_0, deferred1_1, 1);
* Store values on the Nillion network
* @param {string} cluster_id - The targeted cluster identifier
* @param {NadaValues} values - The collection of values to store
* @param {Permissions | undefined} permissions - Optional permissions to be associated with the values. By default the user has full access to them.
* @param {PaymentReceipt} receipt - The receipt for the payment made for this operation.
* @returns {Promise<string>} A store ID that can be used to retrieve the values.
* @example
* const values = new NadaValues();
* values.insert('value1', NadaValue.new_public_integer('1'));
* const store_id = await nillionClient.store_values(cluster_id, values);
store_values(cluster_id, values, permissions, receipt) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(cluster_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
_assertClass(values, NadaValues);
let ptr1 = 0;
if (!isLikeNone(permissions)) {
_assertClass(permissions, Permissions);
ptr1 = permissions.__destroy_into_raw();
_assertClass(receipt, PaymentReceipt);
const ret = wasm.nillionclient_store_values(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, values.__wbg_ptr, ptr1, receipt.__wbg_ptr);
return takeObject(ret);
* Retrieve a value already stored in Nillion
* @param {string} cluster_id - UUID of the targeted preprocessing cluster
* @param {string} store_id - The store value operation identifier for the values collection that will be retrieved.
* @param {string} value_id - The value identifier inside the values collection
* @param {PaymentReceipt} receipt - The receipt for the payment made for this operation.
* @return {Promise<NadaValue>} - The value identified by `value_id`
* @example
* const value = await nillionClient.retrieve_value(cluster_id, store_id, value_id);
retrieve_value(cluster_id, store_id, value_id, receipt) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(cluster_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(store_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ptr2 = passStringToWasm0(value_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len2 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
_assertClass(receipt, PaymentReceipt);
const ret = wasm.nillionclient_retrieve_value(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1, ptr2, len2, receipt.__wbg_ptr);
return takeObject(ret);
* Update values stored in the Nillion network
* @param {string} cluster_id - UUID of the targeted preprocessing cluster
* @param {string} store_id - The store value operation identifier for the values collection that will be updated.
* @param {NadaValues} values - The new value collection that will replace the existing one
* @param {PaymentReceipt} receipt - The receipt for the payment made for this operation.
* @return {Promise<string>} The unique identifier of the update operation
* @example
* const values = new NadaValues();
* values.insert('value1', NadaValue.new_public_integer('2'));
* const action_id = await nillionClient.update_values(cluster_id, store_id, values);
update_values(cluster_id, store_id, secrets, receipt) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(cluster_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(store_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
_assertClass(secrets, NadaValues);
_assertClass(receipt, PaymentReceipt);
const ret = wasm.nillionclient_update_values(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1, secrets.__wbg_ptr, receipt.__wbg_ptr);
return takeObject(ret);
* Delete values collection from the network.
* @param {string} cluster_id - UUID of the targeted preprocessing cluster
* @param {string} store_id - The store value operation identifier for the values collection that will be deleted.
* @return {Promise}
* @example
* await nillionClient.delete_values(cluster_id, store_id);
delete_values(cluster_id, store_id) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(cluster_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(store_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ret = wasm.nillionclient_delete_values(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1);
return takeObject(ret);
* Compute in the Nillion Network. This method invokes the compute operation in the Nillion network.
* It returns a compute ID that can be used by `compute_result` to fetch
* the results of this computation.
* @param {string} cluster_id - Identifier of the targeted cluster
* @param {ProgramBindings} bindings - The program bindings for the computation
* @param {Array.<string>} store_ids - The store IDs of the values to use for the computation
* @param {NadaValues} values - Additional values to use for the computation
* @param {PaymentReceipt} receipt - The receipt for the payment made for this operation.
* @return {Promise<string>} A computation UUID.
* @example
* const bindings = new ProgramBindings();
* bindings.add_input_party('Party1', '12D3KooWKbs29XBmtXZEFZwHBr39BsgbysPAmAS3RWWdtBBc7joH');
* const values = new NadaValues();
* values.insert('value1', NadaValue.new_public_integer('1'));
* const result_id = await nillionClient.compute(cluster_id, bindings, ['store1'], values);
compute(cluster_id, bindings, store_ids, values, receipt) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(cluster_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
_assertClass(bindings, ProgramBindings);
const ptr1 = passArrayJsValueToWasm0(store_ids, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
_assertClass(values, NadaValues);
_assertClass(receipt, PaymentReceipt);
const ret = wasm.nillionclient_compute(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, bindings.__wbg_ptr, ptr1, len1, values.__wbg_ptr, receipt.__wbg_ptr);
return takeObject(ret);
* Fetch the result of the compute in the Nillion Network
* @param {string} result_id - The computation UUID returned after calling `compute`
* @return {Promise<Object>} - The result of the computation
* @example
* const result = await nillionClient.compute_result(result_id);
compute_result(result_id) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(result_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ret = wasm.nillionclient_compute_result(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0);
return takeObject(ret);
* Retrieve permissions for a group of values stored in the Nillion network.
* @param {string} cluster_id - The identifier of the target cluster
* @param {string} store_id - The store value identifier for the values collection where the values are
* @param {PaymentReceipt} receipt - The receipt for the payment made for this operation.
* @return {Promise<Permissions>} The permissions associated to the values
* @example
* const permissions = await nillionClient.retrieve_permissions(cluster_id, store_id);
retrieve_permissions(cluster_id, store_id, receipt) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(cluster_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(store_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
_assertClass(receipt, PaymentReceipt);
const ret = wasm.nillionclient_retrieve_permissions(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1, receipt.__wbg_ptr);
return takeObject(ret);
* Update permissions for a group of values stored in the Nillion network.
* @param {string} cluster_id - The identifier of the target cluster
* @param {string} store_id - The store value identifier for the values collection where the values are
* @param {Permissions} permissions - The permissions that will replace the existing permissions for the values
* @param {PaymentReceipt} receipt - The receipt for the payment made for this operation.
* @return {Promise<string>} The action ID corresponding to the update operation
* @example
* const permissions = Permissions.default_for_user(nillionClient.user_id);
* permissions.add_update_permissions(["user_id"]);
* const action_id = await nillionClient.update_permissions(cluster_id, store_id, permissions);
update_permissions(cluster_id, store_id, permissions, receipt) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(cluster_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(store_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
_assertClass(permissions, Permissions);
_assertClass(receipt, PaymentReceipt);
const ret = wasm.nillionclient_update_permissions(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1, permissions.__wbg_ptr, receipt.__wbg_ptr);
return takeObject(ret);
* Store a program in the Nillion Network
* @param {string} cluster_id - UUID of the targeted preprocessing cluster
* @param {string} program_name - The name of the program
* @param {UInt8Array} program - The compiled nada program in binary format
* @param {PaymentReceipt} receipt - The receipt for the payment made for this operation.
* @return The program ID associated with the program
* @example
* const program_id = await nillionClient.store_program(cluster_id, 'program_name', program);
store_program(cluster_id, program_name, program, receipt) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(cluster_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(program_name, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ptr2 = passArray8ToWasm0(program, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc);
const len2 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
_assertClass(receipt, PaymentReceipt);
const ret = wasm.nillionclient_store_program(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1, ptr2, len2, receipt.__wbg_ptr);
return takeObject(ret);
* Request a price quote for an operation on the network.
* This method asks the network to calculate a price quote for the specified operation. Payment
* and submission of the operation is the client's responsibility and must be done before the
* quote expires.
* @param {string} cluster_id - UUID of the targeted preprocessing cluster
* @param {string} operation - The operation to get a quote for.
* @param {PaymentReceipt} receipt - The receipt for the payment made for this operation.
* @return The price quoted for this operation
* @example
* const values = new nillion.NadaValues();
* values.insert("int", nillion.NadaValue.new_public_integer("42"));
* const operation = nillion.Operation.store_values(values);
* const quote = await context.client.request_price_quote(
* context.config.cluster_id,
* operation,
* );
request_price_quote(cluster_id, operation) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(cluster_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
_assertClass(operation, Operation);
const ret = wasm.nillionclient_request_price_quote(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, operation.__wbg_ptr);
return takeObject(ret);
* Returns information about a Nillion cluster
* @param {string} cluster_id - Identifier of the target cluster
* @return {Promise<ClusterDescriptor>} The cluster descriptor for the given cluster
* @example
* const cluster_descriptor = await nillionClient.cluster_information(cluster_id);
cluster_information(cluster_id) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(cluster_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ret = wasm.nillionclient_cluster_information(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0);
return takeObject(ret);
* Enables tracking for the user.
* Enables tracking of client actions (store, retrieve, compute ...)
* @return {Promise}
* @example
* await nillionClient.enable_tracking();
static enable_tracking(wallet_addr) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
var ptr0 = isLikeNone(wallet_addr) ? 0 : passStringToWasm0(wallet_addr, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
var len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.nillionclient_enable_tracking(retptr, ptr0, len0);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
if (r1) {
throw takeObject(r0);
} finally {
* Get the build version of the Nillion client.
* @return {string} A string representation of the build version
* @example
* const version = nillionClient.build_version;
static get build_version() {
let deferred1_0;
let deferred1_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
deferred1_0 = r0;
deferred1_1 = r1;
return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred1_0, deferred1_1, 1);
const NodeKeyFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_nodekey_free(ptr >>> 0));
* Node key
* The node key is used to authenticate the node in the Nillion network.
* The key can be generated from a seed or from a base58 string.
* @hideconstructor
* @example
* const key = new NodeKey.from_seed("my_seed");
export class NodeKey {
static __wrap(ptr) {
ptr = ptr >>> 0;
const obj = Object.create(NodeKey.prototype);
obj.__wbg_ptr = ptr;
NodeKeyFinalization.register(obj, obj.__wbg_ptr, obj);
return obj;
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* Generates a private key using a seed.
* @param {string} seed - The seed that will be used to generate the NodeKey
* @return {NodeKey} A NodeKey
* @example
* const key = new NodeKey.from_seed("my_seed");
static from_seed(seed) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(seed, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ret = wasm.nodekey_from_seed(ptr0, len0);
return NodeKey.__wrap(ret);
* Decodes a private key from a string encoded in Base58.
* @param {string} contents - A base58 string
* @return {NodeKey} An instance of NodeKey matching the string provided
* @example
* const key = new NodeKey.from_base58(<base 58 encoded data>);
static from_base58(contents) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(contents, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ret = wasm.nodekey_from_base58(ptr0, len0);
return NodeKey.__wrap(ret);
const OperationFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_operation_free(ptr >>> 0));
* Operation.
* This type represents an operation to be run on the Nillion network.
* @hideconstructor
export class Operation {
static __wrap(ptr) {
ptr = ptr >>> 0;
const obj = Object.create(Operation.prototype);
obj.__wbg_ptr = ptr;
OperationFinalization.register(obj, obj.__wbg_ptr, obj);
return obj;
toJSON() {
return {
toString() {
return JSON.stringify(this);
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* Create a new store values operation.
* @param {NadaValues} values - The values to be stored.
* @param {number} ttl_days - The time to live for the values in days.
* @return {Operation} - The constructed operation.
* @example
* const operation = Operation.store_values(values);
* @param {NadaValues} values
* @param {number} ttl_days
* @returns {Operation}
static store_values(values, ttl_days) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
_assertClass(values, NadaValues);
wasm.operation_store_values(retptr, values.__wbg_ptr, ttl_days);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
return Operation.__wrap(r0);
} finally {
* Create a new update values operation.
* @param {NadaValues} values - The values to be updated.
* @param {number} ttl_days - The time to live for the values in days.
* @return {Operation} - The constructed operation.
* @example
* const operation = Operation.update_values(values);
* @param {NadaValues} values
* @param {number} ttl_days
* @returns {Operation}
static update_values(values, ttl_days) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
_assertClass(values, NadaValues);
wasm.operation_update_values(retptr, values.__wbg_ptr, ttl_days);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
return Operation.__wrap(r0);
} finally {
* Create a new compute operation.
* @param {string} program_id - The program id to be used.
* @param {NadaValues} values - The values to be used as compute values.
* @return {Operation} - The constructed operation.
* @example
* const operation = Operation.compute(values);
* @param {string} program_id
* @param {NadaValues} values
* @returns {Operation}
static compute(program_id, values) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(program_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
_assertClass(values, NadaValues);
const ret = wasm.operation_compute(ptr0, len0, values.__wbg_ptr);
return Operation.__wrap(ret);
* Create a new retrieve value operation.
* @return {Operation} - The constructed operation.
* @example
* const operation = Operation.retrieve_value();
* @returns {Operation}
static retrieve_value() {
const ret = wasm.operation_retrieve_value();
return Operation.__wrap(ret);
* Create a new store program operation.
* @param {UInt8Array} program - The compiled nada program in binary format
* @return {Operation} - The constructed operation.
* @example
* const operation = Operation.store_program();
* @param {Uint8Array} program
* @returns {Operation}
static store_program(program) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passArray8ToWasm0(program, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.operation_store_program(retptr, ptr0, len0);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
return Operation.__wrap(r0);
} finally {
* Create a new retrieve permissions operation.
* @return {Operation} - The constructed operation.
* @example
* const operation = Operation.retrieve_permissions();
* @returns {Operation}
static retrieve_permissions() {
const ret = wasm.operation_retrieve_permissions();
return Operation.__wrap(ret);
* Create a new update permissions operation.
* @return {Operation} - The constructed operation.
* @example
* const operation = Operation.update_permissions();
* @returns {Operation}
static update_permissions() {
const ret = wasm.operation_update_permissions();
return Operation.__wrap(ret);
const OperationCostFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_operationcost_free(ptr >>> 0));
* The cost of an operation in the network.
* @hideconstructor
export class OperationCost {
static __wrap(ptr) {
ptr = ptr >>> 0;
const obj = Object.create(OperationCost.prototype);
obj.__wbg_ptr = ptr;
OperationCostFinalization.register(obj, obj.__wbg_ptr, obj);
return obj;
toJSON() {
return {
base_fee: this.base_fee,
congestion_fee: this.congestion_fee,
storage_fee: this.storage_fee,
preprocessing_fee: this.preprocessing_fee,
compute_fee: this.compute_fee,
toString() {
return JSON.stringify(this);
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* Gets the cost of the base fee in unil units.
* @return {string} - The base fee for this quote.
* @example
* const base_fee = cost.base_fee
get base_fee() {
let deferred1_0;
let deferred1_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.operationcost_base_fee(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
deferred1_0 = r0;
deferred1_1 = r1;
return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred1_0, deferred1_1, 1);
* Gets the cost of the congestion fee in unil units.
* @return {string} - The congestion fee for this quote.
* @example
* const congestion_fee = cost.congestion_fee
get congestion_fee() {
let deferred1_0;
let deferred1_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.operationcost_congestion_fee(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
deferred1_0 = r0;
deferred1_1 = r1;
return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred1_0, deferred1_1, 1);
* Gets the cost of the storage fee in unil units.
* @return {string} - The storage fee for this quote.
* @example
* const storage_fee = cost.storage_fee
get storage_fee() {
let deferred1_0;
let deferred1_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.operationcost_storage_fee(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
deferred1_0 = r0;
deferred1_1 = r1;
return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred1_0, deferred1_1, 1);
* Gets the cost of the preprocessing fee in unil units.
* @return {string} - The preprocessing fee for this quote.
* @example
* const preprocessing_fee = cost.preprocessing_fee
get preprocessing_fee() {
let deferred1_0;
let deferred1_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.operationcost_preprocessing_fee(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
deferred1_0 = r0;
deferred1_1 = r1;
return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred1_0, deferred1_1, 1);
* Gets the cost of the compute fee in unil units.
* @return {string} - The compute fee for this quote.
* @example
* const compute_fee = cost.compute_fee
get compute_fee() {
let deferred1_0;
let deferred1_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.operationcost_compute_fee(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
deferred1_0 = r0;
deferred1_1 = r1;
return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred1_0, deferred1_1, 1);
* Gets the total cost of the quote in unil units.
* The payment associated for the quoted operation must
* transfer this amount for it to be considered a valid
* payment.
* @return {string} - The total cost for this quote.
* @example
* const total =
get total() {
let deferred1_0;
let deferred1_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.operationcost_total(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
deferred1_0 = r0;
deferred1_1 = r1;
return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred1_0, deferred1_1, 1);
const PaymentReceiptFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_paymentreceipt_free(ptr >>> 0));
* Payment receipt.
* This type represents a payment receipt for an operation in the Nillion network.
* @hideconstructor
export class PaymentReceipt {
toJSON() {
return {
toString() {
return JSON.stringify(this);
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* Creates an instance of a payment receipt
* @param {PriceQuote} quote - The price quote this receipt is for
* @param {string} transaction_hash - The hash of the transaction in which the payment was
* made.
constructor(quote, transaction_hash) {
_assertClass(quote, PriceQuote);
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(transaction_hash, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ret = wasm.paymentreceipt_new(quote.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0);
this.__wbg_ptr = ret >>> 0;
return this;
const PermissionsFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_permissions_free(ptr >>> 0));
* The permissions data structure.
* In Nillion, every stored secret has associated a set of permissions upon creation.
* If no permissions are provided, the network will grant ownership as well as update, delete and retrieve permissions
* to the user storing the secret.
* For each compute operation, the secrets need to have granted compute permissions for the program and the user
* accessing the secret for the purpose of a computation.
* Permissions for any store value can be updated and retrieved by the owner using `update_permissions` and `retrieve_permissions` operations
* respectively.
export class Permissions {
static __wrap(ptr) {
ptr = ptr >>> 0;
const obj = Object.create(Permissions.prototype);
obj.__wbg_ptr = ptr;
PermissionsFinalization.register(obj, obj.__wbg_ptr, obj);
return obj;
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* Build a new empty instance of Permissions
* @example
* const permissions = new Permissions();
constructor() {
const ret = wasm.permissions_new();
this.__wbg_ptr = ret >>> 0;
return this;
* Builds a new instance of Permissions with the default set for the user identifier.
* By default, the user identifier will be granted ownership of the secret as well as full access to the secret.
* No compute permissions are granted by default unless a program is specified. They need to be assigned separately.
* @param {string} user_id - The Nillion user identifier
* @returns {Permissions} An instance of Permissions with the default configuration for the user
* @example
* const permissions = Permissions.default_for_user(nillionClient.user_id);
static default_for_user(user_id) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(user_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ret = wasm.permissions_default_for_user(ptr0, len0);
return Permissions.__wrap(ret);
* Add retrieve permissions to the Permissions instance for the
* given list of user IDs
* @param {Array<string>} user_ids - The list of user identifiers that will be granted retrieve permissions
* @example
* const permissions = Permissions.default_for_user(nillionClient.user_id);
* permissions.add_retrieve_permissions(["user_id"]);
add_retrieve_permissions(user_ids) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passArrayJsValueToWasm0(user_ids, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.permissions_add_retrieve_permissions(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
if (r1) {
throw takeObject(r0);
} finally {
* Add update permissions to the Permissions instance for the
* given list of user IDs
* @param {Array<string>} user_ids - The list of user identifiers that will be granted update permissions
* @example
* const permissions = Permissions.default_for_user(nillionClient.user_id);
* permissions.add_update_permissions(["user_id"]);
add_update_permissions(user_ids) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passArrayJsValueToWasm0(user_ids, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.permissions_add_update_permissions(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
if (r1) {
throw takeObject(r0);
} finally {
* Add delete permissions to the Permissions instance for the
* given list of user IDs
* @param {Array<string>} user_ids - The list of user identifiers that will be granted delete permissions
* @example
* const permissions = Permissions.default_for_user(nillionClient.user_id);
* permissions.add_delete_permissions(["user_id"]);
add_delete_permissions(user_ids) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passArrayJsValueToWasm0(user_ids, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.permissions_add_delete_permissions(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
if (r1) {
throw takeObject(r0);
} finally {
* Add compute permissions to the Permissions instance for the
* given list of user IDs
* @param {any} permissions - object where the keys are the user identities and for each key the values are a list of program identifiers that
* user will be granted compute permission for.
* @example
* const permissions = Permissions.default_for_user(nillionClient.user_id);
* permissions.add_compute_permissions({
* "user_id": ["program_id"]
* });
add_compute_permissions(permissions) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.permissions_add_compute_permissions(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr, addHeapObject(permissions));
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
if (r1) {
throw takeObject(r0);
} finally {
* Returns true if user has retrieve permissions
* @param {string} user_id - the user identifier
* @return {boolean} true if the user has retrieve permissions
* @example
* const permissions = Permissions.default_for_user(nillionClient.user_id);
* const retrieve_allowed = permissions.is_retrieve_allowed("user_id");
is_retrieve_allowed(user_id) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(user_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ret = wasm.permissions_is_retrieve_allowed(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0);
return ret !== 0;
* Returns true if user has update permissions
* @param {string} user_id - the user identifier
* @return {boolean} true if the user has update permissions
* @example
* const permissions = Permissions.default_for_user(nillionClient.user_id);
* const update_allowed = permissions.is_update_allowed("user_id");
is_update_allowed(user_id) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(user_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ret = wasm.permissions_is_update_allowed(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0);
return ret !== 0;
* Returns true if user has delete permissions
* @param {string} user_id - the user identifier
* @return {boolean} true if the user has delete permissions
* @example
* const permissions = Permissions.default_for_user(nillionClient.user_id);
* const delete_allowed = permissions.is_delete_allowed("user_id");
is_delete_allowed(user_id) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(user_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ret = wasm.permissions_is_delete_allowed(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0);
return ret !== 0;
* Returns true if user has compute permissions for every single program
* @param {string} user_id - the user identifier
* @param {string} program - the program identifier
* @return {boolean} true if the user has compute permissions
* @example
* const permissions = Permissions.default_for_user(nillionClient.user_id);
* const compute_allowed = permissions.is_compute_allowed("user_id", "program_id");
is_compute_allowed(user_id, program) {
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(user_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(program, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ret = wasm.permissions_is_compute_allowed(this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1);
return ret !== 0;
const PreprocessingProtocolConfigFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_preprocessingprotocolconfig_free(ptr >>> 0));
* The pre-processing protocol configuration
* @hideconstructor
export class PreprocessingProtocolConfig {
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* The number of elements to be generated on every run.
* @example
* const descriptor = await nillionClient.cluster_information();
* const preprocessing = descriptor.preprocessing;
* const lambda = preprocessing.lambda;
* const batch_size = lambda.batch_size;
* @returns {number}
get batch_size() {
const ret = wasm.preprocessingprotocolconfig_batch_size(this.__wbg_ptr);
return ret >>> 0;
const PriceQuoteFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_pricequote_free(ptr >>> 0));
* Price quote.
* This type represents a price quote for an operation in the Nillion network.
* @hideconstructor
export class PriceQuote {
static __wrap(ptr) {
ptr = ptr >>> 0;
const obj = Object.create(PriceQuote.prototype);
obj.__wbg_ptr = ptr;
PriceQuoteFinalization.register(obj, obj.__wbg_ptr, obj);
return obj;
toJSON() {
return {
expires_at: this.expires_at,
cost: this.cost,
nonce: this.nonce,
toString() {
return JSON.stringify(this);
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* Get the expiration time for this price quote.
* The payment and the operation execution must be invoked before this deadline is
* hit, otherwise the network will reject the operation request.
* @return {Date} - The expiration time.
* @example
* const expiration_time = quote.expires_at;
get expires_at() {
const ret = wasm.pricequote_expires_at(this.__wbg_ptr);
return takeObject(ret);
* Gets the cost for the quoted operation in unil units. The payment associated for the quoted operation must
* transfer this amount for it to be considered a valid payment.
* @return {OperationCost} - The cost for this quote.
* @example
* const cost = quote.cost;
get cost() {
const ret = wasm.pricequote_cost(this.__wbg_ptr);
return OperationCost.__wrap(ret);
* Gets the nonce for this quote. This nonce must be used as part of the payment transaction.
* @example
* const nonce = quote.nonce;
get nonce() {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.pricequote_nonce(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var v1 = getArrayU8FromWasm0(r0, r1).slice();
wasm.__wbindgen_free(r0, r1 * 1, 1);
return v1;
} finally {
const ProgramBindingsFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_programbindings_free(ptr >>> 0));
* Program Bindings
export class ProgramBindings {
toJSON() {
return {
toString() {
return JSON.stringify(this);
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* Creates a new ProgramBindings
* @param {string} program_id - A program identifier, this is usually the given name of the program
* @return {ProgramBindings} A new instance of ProgramBindings
* @example
* const bindings = new ProgramBindings("simple_program");
constructor(program_id) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(program_id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.programbindings_new(retptr, ptr0, len0);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
this.__wbg_ptr = r0 >>> 0;
return this;
} finally {
* Bind an input party with a name
* @param {string} name - Name of the input party
* @param {string} id - Identifier of the party
* @example
* bindings.add_input_party("Party1", "12D3KooWKbs29XBmtXZEFZwHBr39BsgbysPAmAS3RWWdtBBc7joH");
add_input_party(name, id) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(name, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.programbindings_add_input_party(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
if (r1) {
throw takeObject(r0);
} finally {
* Bind an output party with a name
* @param {string} name - Name of the input party
* @param {string} id - Identifier of the party
* @example
* bindings.add_output_party("Party2", "12D3KooWKbs29XBmtXZEFZwHBr39BsgbysPAmAS3RWWdtBBc7joH");
add_output_party(name, id) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(name, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(id, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.programbindings_add_output_party(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr, ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
if (r1) {
throw takeObject(r0);
} finally {
const UserKeyFinalization = (typeof FinalizationRegistry === 'undefined')
? { register: () => {}, unregister: () => {} }
: new FinalizationRegistry(ptr => wasm.__wbg_userkey_free(ptr >>> 0));
* User key
* The user key is used as the user identity in the Nillion network.
* The key can be generated from a seed or from a base58 string.
* @hideconstructor
* @example
* const key = new UserKey.from_seed("my_seed");
export class UserKey {
static __wrap(ptr) {
ptr = ptr >>> 0;
const obj = Object.create(UserKey.prototype);
obj.__wbg_ptr = ptr;
UserKeyFinalization.register(obj, obj.__wbg_ptr, obj);
return obj;
__destroy_into_raw() {
const ptr = this.__wbg_ptr;
this.__wbg_ptr = 0;
return ptr;
free() {
const ptr = this.__destroy_into_raw();
* Generate a new random public/private key.
* Uses a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator.
* @return {UserKey} a new instance of UserKey
* @example
* const key = new UserKey.generate();
static generate() {
const ret = wasm.userkey_generate();
return UserKey.__wrap(ret);
* Generate a new public/private key.
* Uses a seed to generate the keys via a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator.
* @param {string} seed - The seed that will be used to generate the key
* @return {UserKey} The user key generated using the seed provided
* @example
* const key = new UserKey.from_seed("my_seed");
static from_seed(seed) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(seed, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.userkey_from_seed(retptr, ptr0, len0);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
return UserKey.__wrap(r0);
} finally {
* Returns the public key corresponding to this key.
* @return {string} The public key as an UTF-8 encoded string.
* @example
* const key = new UserKey.from_seed("my_seed");
* const public_key = key.public_key();
public_key() {
let deferred1_0;
let deferred1_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.userkey_public_key(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
deferred1_0 = r0;
deferred1_1 = r1;
return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred1_0, deferred1_1, 1);
* Decodes a UserKey from a Base58-encoded String
* @param {string} contents - The private key encoded in Base58 format
* @return {UserKey} The decoded instance of UserKey
* @example
* const key = new UserKey.from_base58(<base 58 encoded data>);
static from_base58(contents) {
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
const ptr0 = passStringToWasm0(contents, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len0 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
wasm.userkey_from_base58(retptr, ptr0, len0);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
var r2 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 2];
if (r2) {
throw takeObject(r1);
return UserKey.__wrap(r0);
} finally {
* Returns the key in Base58 encoded form.
* @return {string} the key encoded as a Base58 string
* @example
* const key = new UserKey.from_seed("my_seed");
* const base58_key = key.to_base58();
to_base58() {
let deferred1_0;
let deferred1_1;
try {
const retptr = wasm.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16);
wasm.userkey_to_base58(retptr, this.__wbg_ptr);
var r0 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 0];
var r1 = getInt32Memory0()[retptr / 4 + 1];
deferred1_0 = r0;
deferred1_1 = r1;
return getStringFromWasm0(r0, r1);
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred1_0, deferred1_1, 1);
async function __wbg_load(module, imports) {
if (typeof Response === 'function' && module instanceof Response) {
if (typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming === 'function') {
try {
return await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(module, imports);
} catch (e) {
if (module.headers.get('Content-Type') != 'application/wasm') {
console.warn("`WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming` failed because your server does not serve wasm with `application/wasm` MIME type. Falling back to `WebAssembly.instantiate` which is slower. Original error:\n", e);
} else {
throw e;
const bytes = await module.arrayBuffer();
return await WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, imports);
} else {
const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, imports);
if (instance instanceof WebAssembly.Instance) {
return { instance, module };
} else {
return instance;
function __wbg_get_imports() {
const imports = {};
imports.wbg = {};
imports.wbg.__wbg_new_72fb9a18b5ae2624 = function() {
const ret = new Object();
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_string_new = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_set_1f9b04f170055d33 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = Reflect.set(getObject(arg0), getObject(arg1), getObject(arg2));
return ret;
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_object_drop_ref = function(arg0) {
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_module = function() {
const ret = __wbg_init.__wbindgen_wasm_module;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_memory = function() {
const ret = wasm.memory;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_number_new = function(arg0) {
const ret = arg0;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_startWorker_999d186cbabd739c = function(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
const ret = startWorker(takeObject(arg0), takeObject(arg1), takeObject(arg2), takeObject(arg3), LoaderHelper.__wrap(arg4));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_object_clone_ref = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_name_c1b921b610dd2f64 = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg1).name;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbg_close_e37e2399b189a4cd = function(arg0) {
imports.wbg.__wbg_static_accessor_URL_1a7ae0d56f4d6839 = function() {
const ret = import.meta.url;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_new0_7d84e5b2cd9fdc73 = function() {
const ret = new Date();
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_getTime_2bc4375165f02d15 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).getTime();
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_getItem_164e8e5265095b87 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) {
const ret = getObject(arg1).getItem(getStringFromWasm0(arg2, arg3));
var ptr1 = isLikeNone(ret) ? 0 : passStringToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
var len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_instanceof_Window_f401953a2cf86220 = function(arg0) {
let result;
try {
result = getObject(arg0) instanceof Window;
} catch (_) {
result = false;
const ret = result;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_localStorage_e381d34d0c40c761 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).localStorage;
return isLikeNone(ret) ? 0 : addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_setItem_ba2bb41d73dac079 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
getObject(arg0).setItem(getStringFromWasm0(arg1, arg2), getStringFromWasm0(arg3, arg4));
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_abort_2aa7521d5690750e = function(arg0) {
imports.wbg.__wbg_new_ab6fd82b10560829 = function() { return handleError(function () {
const ret = new Headers();
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_new_0d76b0581eca6298 = function() { return handleError(function () {
const ret = new AbortController();
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_signal_a61f78a3478fd9bc = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).signal;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_append_7bfcb4937d1d5e29 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
getObject(arg0).append(getStringFromWasm0(arg1, arg2), getStringFromWasm0(arg3, arg4));
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_instanceof_Response_849eb93e75734b6e = function(arg0) {
let result;
try {
result = getObject(arg0) instanceof Response;
} catch (_) {
result = false;
const ret = result;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_status_61a01141acd3cf74 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).status;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_headers_9620bfada380764a = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).headers;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_next_196c84450b364254 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).next();
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_done_298b57d23c0fc80c = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).done;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_value_d93c65011f51a456 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).value;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_stringify_8887fe74e1c50d81 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0) {
const ret = JSON.stringify(getObject(arg0));
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_string_get = function(arg0, arg1) {
const obj = getObject(arg1);
const ret = typeof(obj) === 'string' ? obj : undefined;
var ptr1 = isLikeNone(ret) ? 0 : passStringToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
var len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbg_text_450a059667fd91fd = function() { return handleError(function (arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).text();
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_new_abda76e883ba8a5f = function() {
const ret = new Error();
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_stack_658279fe44541cf6 = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg1).stack;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbg_error_f851667af71bcfc6 = function(arg0, arg1) {
let deferred0_0;
let deferred0_1;
try {
deferred0_0 = arg0;
deferred0_1 = arg1;
console.error(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1));
} finally {
wasm.__wbindgen_free(deferred0_0, deferred0_1, 1);
imports.wbg.__wbg_buffer_12d079cc21e14bdb = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).buffer;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_newwithbyteoffsetandlength_aa4a17c33a06e5cb = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = new Uint8Array(getObject(arg0), arg1 >>> 0, arg2 >>> 0);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_randomFillSync_5c9c955aa56b6049 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1) {
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_subarray_a1f73cd4b5b42fe1 = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).subarray(arg1 >>> 0, arg2 >>> 0);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_getRandomValues_3aa56aa6edec874c = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1) {
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_new_63b92bc8671ed464 = function(arg0) {
const ret = new Uint8Array(getObject(arg0));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_set_a47bac70306a19a7 = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
getObject(arg0).set(getObject(arg1), arg2 >>> 0);
imports.wbg.__wbg_crypto_1d1f22824a6a080c = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).crypto;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_is_object = function(arg0) {
const val = getObject(arg0);
const ret = typeof(val) === 'object' && val !== null;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_process_4a72847cc503995b = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).process;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_versions_f686565e586dd935 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).versions;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_node_104a2ff8d6ea03a2 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).node;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_is_string = function(arg0) {
const ret = typeof(getObject(arg0)) === 'string';
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_require_cca90b1a94a0255b = function() { return handleError(function () {
const ret = module.require;
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_is_function = function(arg0) {
const ret = typeof(getObject(arg0)) === 'function';
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_call_b3ca7c6051f9bec1 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).call(getObject(arg1), getObject(arg2));
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_msCrypto_eb05e62b530a1508 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).msCrypto;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_newwithlength_e9b4878cebadb3d3 = function(arg0) {
const ret = new Uint8Array(arg0 >>> 0);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_code_5ee5dcc2842228cd = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).code;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_reason_5ed6709323849cb1 = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg1).reason;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbg_wasClean_8222e9acf5c5ad07 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).wasClean;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_data_3ce7c145ca4fbcdc = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).data;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_instanceof_ArrayBuffer_836825be07d4c9d2 = function(arg0) {
let result;
try {
result = getObject(arg0) instanceof ArrayBuffer;
} catch (_) {
result = false;
const ret = result;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_send_70603dff16b81b66 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2) {
getObject(arg0).send(getStringFromWasm0(arg1, arg2));
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_send_5fcd7bab9777194e = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2) {
getObject(arg0).send(getArrayU8FromWasm0(arg1, arg2));
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_cb_drop = function(arg0) {
const obj = takeObject(arg0).original;
if (obj.cnt-- == 1) {
obj.a = 0;
return true;
const ret = false;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_instanceof_Error_e20bb56fd5591a93 = function(arg0) {
let result;
try {
result = getObject(arg0) instanceof Error;
} catch (_) {
result = false;
const ret = result;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_name_e7429f0dda6079e2 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).name;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_message_5bf28016c2b49cfb = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).message;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_toString_ffe4c9ea3b3532e9 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).toString();
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_setTimeout_75cb9b6991a4031d = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1) {
const ret = setTimeout(getObject(arg0), arg1);
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_get_e3c254076557e348 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1) {
const ret = Reflect.get(getObject(arg0), getObject(arg1));
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_now_4e659b3d15f470d9 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).now();
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_iterator_2cee6dadfd956dfa = function() {
const ret = Symbol.iterator;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_call_27c0f87801dedf93 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).call(getObject(arg1));
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_next_40fc327bfc8770e6 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).next;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_length_c20a40f15020d68a = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).length;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_self_ce0dbfc45cf2f5be = function() { return handleError(function () {
const ret = self.self;
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_window_c6fb939a7f436783 = function() { return handleError(function () {
const ret = window.window;
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_globalThis_d1e6af4856ba331b = function() { return handleError(function () {
const ret = globalThis.globalThis;
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_global_207b558942527489 = function() { return handleError(function () {
const ret =;
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_is_undefined = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0) === undefined;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_newnoargs_e258087cd0daa0ea = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = new Function(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_clearTimeout_76877dbc010e786d = function(arg0) {
const ret = clearTimeout(takeObject(arg0));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_dial_30e8812bd98d8882 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).dial(getStringFromWasm0(arg1, arg2), arg3 !== 0);
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_is_null = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0) === null;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_write_3d1f2c679934dd25 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).write(getArrayU8FromWasm0(arg1, arg2));
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_shutdown_a85687f76230bdad = function() { return handleError(function (arg0) {
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_close_6a852f1689b0b8e2 = function(arg0) {
imports.wbg.__wbg_instanceof_Object_71ca3c0a59266746 = function(arg0) {
let result;
try {
result = getObject(arg0) instanceof Object;
} catch (_) {
result = false;
const ret = result;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_toString_c816a20ab859d0c1 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).toString();
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_new_d9bc3a0147634640 = function() {
const ret = new Map();
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_error_new = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = new Error(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_fromEntries_c9d8ec8925e677a8 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0) {
const ret = Object.fromEntries(getObject(arg0));
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_set_8417257aaedc936b = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).set(getObject(arg1), getObject(arg2));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_pricequote_new = function(arg0) {
const ret = PriceQuote.__wrap(arg0);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_permissions_new = function(arg0) {
const ret = Permissions.__wrap(arg0);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_clusterdescriptor_new = function(arg0) {
const ret = ClusterDescriptor.__wrap(arg0);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_nadavalue_new = function(arg0) {
const ret = NadaValue.__wrap(arg0);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_new_6c74223c77cfabad = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1) {
const ret = new WebSocket(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1));
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_setbinaryType_b0cf5103cd561959 = function(arg0, arg1) {
getObject(arg0).binaryType = takeObject(arg1);
imports.wbg.__wbg_addEventListener_4283b15b4f039eb5 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
getObject(arg0).addEventListener(getStringFromWasm0(arg1, arg2), getObject(arg3), getObject(arg4));
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_addEventListener_53b787075bd5e003 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) {
getObject(arg0).addEventListener(getStringFromWasm0(arg1, arg2), getObject(arg3));
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_error_8e3928cfb8a43e2b = function(arg0) {
imports.wbg.__wbg_new_81740750da40724f = function(arg0, arg1) {
try {
var state0 = {a: arg0, b: arg1};
var cb0 = (arg0, arg1) => {
const a = state0.a;
state0.a = 0;
try {
return __wbg_adapter_150(a, state0.b, arg0, arg1);
} finally {
state0.a = a;
const ret = new Promise(cb0);
return addHeapObject(ret);
} finally {
state0.a = state0.b = 0;
imports.wbg.__wbg_isArray_2ab64d95e09ea0ae = function(arg0) {
const ret = Array.isArray(getObject(arg0));
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_length_cd7af8117672b8b8 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).length;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_get_bd8e338fbd5f5cc8 = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg0)[arg1 >>> 0];
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_newwithlength_66ae46612e7f0234 = function(arg0) {
const ret = new Array(arg0 >>> 0);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_set_d4638f722068f043 = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
getObject(arg0)[arg1 >>> 0] = takeObject(arg2);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_bigint_from_str = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = BigInt(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_entries_95cc2c823b285a09 = function(arg0) {
const ret = Object.entries(getObject(arg0));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_new_16b304a2cfa7ff4a = function() {
const ret = new Array();
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_new_cf3ec55744a78578 = function(arg0) {
const ret = new Date(getObject(arg0));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_newaddrs_71100193fa47c194 = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg1).new_addrs;
var ptr1 = isLikeNone(ret) ? 0 : passArrayJsValueToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc);
var len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbg_newconnections_44d312e897866295 = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg1).new_connections;
var ptr1 = isLikeNone(ret) ? 0 : passArrayJsValueToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc);
var len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbg_localaddr_91f6c1af88a435e2 = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg1).local_addr;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbg_observedaddr_1ca1352afe737cc2 = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg1).observed_addr;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbg_connection_632aa60cbc9cffe2 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).connection;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_read_c68b57fe8b00a7b9 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).read;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_expiredaddrs_c5a2f22f3c1b584f = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg1).expired_addrs;
var ptr1 = isLikeNone(ret) ? 0 : passArrayJsValueToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc);
var len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbg_listenon_ff60af88e263af6b = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).listen_on(getStringFromWasm0(arg1, arg2));
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_websockettransport_84c8ba3f0c468e40 = function() {
const ret = websocket_transport();
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_has_0af94d20077affa2 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1) {
const ret = Reflect.has(getObject(arg0), getObject(arg1));
return ret;
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_fetch_bc7c8e27076a5c84 = function(arg0) {
const ret = fetch(getObject(arg0));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_fetch_921fad6ef9e883dd = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).fetch(getObject(arg1));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_jsval_loose_eq = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg0) == getObject(arg1);
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_boolean_get = function(arg0) {
const v = getObject(arg0);
const ret = typeof(v) === 'boolean' ? (v ? 1 : 0) : 2;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_number_get = function(arg0, arg1) {
const obj = getObject(arg1);
const ret = typeof(obj) === 'number' ? obj : undefined;
getFloat64Memory0()[arg0 / 8 + 1] = isLikeNone(ret) ? 0 : ret;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = !isLikeNone(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_instanceof_Uint8Array_2b3bbecd033d19f6 = function(arg0) {
let result;
try {
result = getObject(arg0) instanceof Uint8Array;
} catch (_) {
result = false;
const ret = result;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_String_b9412f8799faab3e = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = String(getObject(arg1));
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_debug_string = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = debugString(getObject(arg1));
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_throw = function(arg0, arg1) {
throw new Error(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1));
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_rethrow = function(arg0) {
throw takeObject(arg0);
imports.wbg.__wbg_queueMicrotask_3cbae2ec6b6cd3d6 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).queueMicrotask;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_resolve_b0083a7967828ec8 = function(arg0) {
const ret = Promise.resolve(getObject(arg0));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_then_a73caa9a87991566 = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).then(getObject(arg1), getObject(arg2));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_link_fc1eedd35dc7e0a6 = function(arg0) {
const ret = "data:application/javascript," + encodeURIComponent(`onmessage = function (ev) {
let [ia, index, value] =;
ia = new Int32Array(ia.buffer);
let result = Atomics.wait(ia, index, value);
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbg_new_d1187ae36d662ef9 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1) {
const ret = new Worker(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1));
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_setonmessage_503809e5bb51bd33 = function(arg0, arg1) {
getObject(arg0).onmessage = getObject(arg1);
imports.wbg.__wbg_of_6a70eed8d41f469c = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = Array.of(getObject(arg0), getObject(arg1), getObject(arg2));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_postMessage_7380d10e8b8269df = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1) {
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_waitAsync_5d743fc9058ba01a = function() {
const ret = Atomics.waitAsync;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_new_8cccba86b0f574cb = function(arg0) {
const ret = new Int32Array(getObject(arg0));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_waitAsync_46d5c36955b71a79 = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = Atomics.waitAsync(getObject(arg0), arg1, arg2);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_async_19c0400d97cc72fe = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).async;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_value_571d60108110e917 = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).value;
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_then_0c86a60e8fcfe9f6 = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).then(getObject(arg1));
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbg_queueMicrotask_481971b0d87f3dd4 = function(arg0) {
imports.wbg.__wbg_readyState_1c157e4ea17c134a = function(arg0) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).readyState;
return ret;
imports.wbg.__wbg_close_acd9532ff5c093ea = function() { return handleError(function (arg0) {
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_removeEventListener_92cb9b3943463338 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) {
getObject(arg0).removeEventListener(getStringFromWasm0(arg1, arg2), getObject(arg3));
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_newwitheventinitdict_c939a6b964db4d91 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = new CloseEvent(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1), getObject(arg2));
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_dispatchEvent_63c0c01600a98fd2 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg0).dispatchEvent(getObject(arg1));
return ret;
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbg_url_5f6dc4009ac5f99d = function(arg0, arg1) {
const ret = getObject(arg1).url;
const ptr1 = passStringToWasm0(ret, wasm.__wbindgen_malloc, wasm.__wbindgen_realloc);
const len1 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 1] = len1;
getInt32Memory0()[arg0 / 4 + 0] = ptr1;
imports.wbg.__wbg_newwithstrandinit_3fd6fba4083ff2d0 = function() { return handleError(function (arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = new Request(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1), getObject(arg2));
return addHeapObject(ret);
}, arguments) };
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_closure_wrapper1312 = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = makeMutClosure(arg0, arg1, 78, __wbg_adapter_44);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_closure_wrapper1318 = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = makeMutClosure(arg0, arg1, 78, __wbg_adapter_47);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_closure_wrapper1321 = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = makeMutClosure(arg0, arg1, 78, __wbg_adapter_44);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_closure_wrapper1324 = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = makeMutClosure(arg0, arg1, 78, __wbg_adapter_44);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_closure_wrapper1334 = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = makeMutClosure(arg0, arg1, 78, __wbg_adapter_47);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_closure_wrapper8352 = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = makeMutClosure(arg0, arg1, 78, __wbg_adapter_44);
return addHeapObject(ret);
imports.wbg.__wbindgen_closure_wrapper8376 = function(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
const ret = makeMutClosure(arg0, arg1, 78, __wbg_adapter_44);
return addHeapObject(ret);
return imports;
function __wbg_init_memory(imports, maybe_memory) {
imports.wbg.memory = maybe_memory || new WebAssembly.Memory({initial:27,maximum:16384,shared:true});
function __wbg_finalize_init(instance, module) {
wasm = instance.exports;
__wbg_init.__wbindgen_wasm_module = module;
cachedFloat64Memory0 = null;
cachedInt32Memory0 = null;
cachedUint32Memory0 = null;
cachedUint8Memory0 = null;
return wasm;
function initSync(module, maybe_memory) {
if (wasm !== undefined) return wasm;
const imports = __wbg_get_imports();
__wbg_init_memory(imports, maybe_memory);
if (!(module instanceof WebAssembly.Module)) {
module = new WebAssembly.Module(module);
const instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, imports);
return __wbg_finalize_init(instance, module);
async function __wbg_init(input, maybe_memory) {
if (wasm !== undefined) return wasm;
if (typeof input === 'undefined') {
input = new URL('nillion_client_wasm_bg.wasm', import.meta.url);
const imports = __wbg_get_imports();
if (typeof input === 'string' || (typeof Request === 'function' && input instanceof Request) || (typeof URL === 'function' && input instanceof URL)) {
input = fetch(input);
__wbg_init_memory(imports, maybe_memory);
const { instance, module } = await __wbg_load(await input, imports);
return __wbg_finalize_init(instance, module);
export { initSync }
export default __wbg_init;