packages = ["parsial~=0.1", "richreports~=0.2", "asttokens~=2.4"]
files = ['']
from js import document
from pyodide.ffi import create_proxy, to_js
import types
import json
import ast
import inspect
import asttokens
from nada_audit import *
def update(_):
messages = []
source = \
document.getElementById('payload').innerHTML \
.replace('&' + 'amp;', '&') \
.replace('&' + 'lt;', '<') \
.replace('&' + 'gt;', '>')
# Perform static analyses and render the report.
messages.append(['Information', 'Auditing.'])
lines = source.split('\n')
report = audit(source)
rlines = report.render().split('\n')
['Success', 'Auditing step completed.']
except Exception as e:
['Error', type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)]
# Perform abstract interpretation to determine inputs
# and then simulate the program on the inputs (either
# randomly generated or user-supplied).
messages.append(['Information', 'Executing.'])
ins = js.interpreterInputsRetrieve().to_py()
context = {}
Abstract.initialize({k: v for (k, [v, _]) in ins.items()})
exec(source, context)
outs = context['nada_main']()
if len(outs) > 0:
js.interpreterInputsShow(to_js([[, i.ty_str] for i in outs[0].inputs]))
to_js([[, o.value.value] for o in outs[0].outputs])
['Success', 'Execution completed.']
except Exception as e:
['Error', type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)]
# Display all feedback messages collected during the update.
document.addEventListener('update', create_proxy(update))
pyscript.write('report', 'ready')
Interactive Table
JSON Schema
# The left-hand panel can scrolled and edited. The right-hand
# panel will automatically be updated with the results of the
# type checking and cost calculation static analyses. Green
# represents public Nada expressions/values and blue represents
# secret Nada expressions/values.
# On the right-hand panel, hover over variable names to see a
# count of the total number of *secret* operations that must be
# executed to determine the value of that variable at that point
# in the program. There is no deduplication (as in the current
# implementation).
from nada_audit import *
def nada_main():
party1 = Party(name="Party1")
my_int1 = PublicInteger(Input(name="my_int1", party=party1))
my_int2 = SecretInteger(Input(name="my_int2", party=party1))
new_int = my_int1 * my_int2
return [Output(new_int, "my_output", party1)]
from nada_audit import *
def nada_main():
p1 = Party("Party1")
p2 = Party("Party2")
p3 = Party("Party3")
p4 = Party("Party4")
a = PublicInteger(Input("a", p1))
b = SecretInteger(Input("b", p1))
c = PublicInteger(Input("c", p2))
d = SecretInteger(Input("d", p2))
e = PublicInteger(Input("e", p3))
f = SecretInteger(Input("f", p3))
g = a * b * c * d * e * f
return [Output(g, "g", p4)]
from nada_audit import *
def nada_main():
voters = [Party("Party" + str(v)) for v in range(2)]
outparty = Party(name="OutParty")
votes_per_candidate = [
name="v" + str(v) + "_c" + str(c),
party=Party("Party" + str(v))
for v in range(2)
for c in range(4)
return [
Output(sum(votes_per_candidate[c]), "c" + str(c), outparty)
for c in range(4)
# In this example, note that empty lists must be accompanied by an explicit
# type annotation.
from nada_audit import *
def nada_main():
# Create the voter parties and recipient party.
voters: list[Party] = []
for v in range(2):
voters.append(Party("Party" + str(v)))
outparty = Party(name="OutParty")
# Gather the inputs (one vote for each candidate from each voter).
votes_per_candidate: list[list[SecretInteger]] = []
for c in range(4):
for v in range(2):
name="v" + str(v) + "_c" + str(c),
party=Party("Party" + str(v))
# Calculate the total for each candidate.
outputs: list[Output] = []
for c in range(4):
outputs.append(Output(sum(votes_per_candidate[c]), "c" + str(c), outparty))
return outputs